Landlord Reports

We strongly recommend that any Landlord, regardless of whether they see themselves as running a business or not, should make absolutely sure they are complying with regulations to ensure that all electrical equipment supplied is safe. If in doubt check.

In order to do this we recommend:

  • Annual visual inspections by the landlord or agent – recording this on a safety checklist.
  • Inspections on tenant change-overs, recording electrical equipment, its condition and fuses fitted.
  • Periodic inspections of electrical equipment by a qualified electrician.
  • 5 yearly inspections by a qualified electrician to ensure safety and that the electrical system complies with current electrical regulations.
  • Keeping all records of these inspections.

Landlord Electrical Safety

Wimbledon Electrician are an NICEIC registered company 602477, authorised as an approved contractors and Domestic installers self certifying for Part P, to carry out all electrical works, inspections, investigations, and repairs for landlords and property managers.


For more information on some of the safety requirements landlords are required to comply with, other recommended tests and investigations that should be carried out on a regular basis, and the importance of electrical safety as a whole –

Please see our Electrical Safety

Landlords can call us now to ensure their compliance